• New Mill Quarter 1
  • DWH_construction-9
  • Wigston Meadows
  • DWNW_PavilionGardens_Drone_Construction

We have zero tolerance for modern slavery (including human rights violations, child and forced labour or human trafficking in any form), in our own operations and our supply chain. Based on our annual risk assessment, we believe the business has a low overall risk of modern slavery in both our own operations and in our immediate supply chain. However, we are pro-active in ensuring we are making our workforce, sub-contractors and suppliers aware of the potential risks.

For example, we require all agency providers to be able to satisfy us that staff all have written employment contracts, have not had to pay for the opportunity to work, and are legally able to work within the UK. We have informed all of our sub-contractors of our requirements regarding modern slavery, and continue to provide information on the Act and its requirements. All construction material suppliers have been informed of our requirements in relation to ethical sourcing, and the requirements of the Act were reiterated at our national supplier conference and within workshops with our local buying teams.

All of our suppliers and sub-contractors are required to follow our Code of Conduct and Suppliers and Subcontractors SLA, which are based on the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code and international labour laws. Barratt is committed to ensuring our business policies, procedures, requests and contracts do not place unnecessary demands on a supplier which may lead them to violate their obligations.

Further information is available by following the link to the UK Government website…


To find out how to protect your workers or to access further information please also visit the following website…


Barratt Developments PLC Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is located here...
