• TimberConstruction 012
  • DWH_construction-9
  • 013 BG_OverstoneGate_DWH_Northamptonshire_Hertford_Lichfield_Winstone_5bed_4bed
  • Site Manager
  • Cane Hill Park 3

Climate change will cause more extreme weather events such as storms, heatwaves, wetter winters and drier summers, greater risk of flooding, water shortages and overheating in homes. The consequences of climate change may affect where we buy land, our operations, access to raw materials in our supply chain and the design of the homes and places we create. The Group is committed to:

Minimise our operational impact

  • Improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions from our sites, Divisional and Sales offices through onsite generation or purchasing renewable energy.
  • Reducing use of water, materials and the generation of waste.
  • Reducing business mileage and emissions through use of technology and fleet management.

Mitigating climate change through development and home design

  • Continue to deliver energy efficient homes via a fabric first approach.
  • Adherence to our Great Places, placemaking principles to ensure our developments are connected, have access to community facilities, sustainable transport options and sustainable drainage solutions.
  • Engage our customers and provide features to support them to live more sustainably.

Mitigating climate change by working with our suppliers and subcontractors

  • Specifying low carbon materials in accordance with our sustainable procurement policy.
  • Engage our supply chain to reduce embodied carbon of our construction materials and services.

Adaptation through innovation, research and partnership

  • Invest in trials of innovative methods of construction.
  • Research emerging SMART technologies and techniques.
  • Implement measures on developments to adapt to changes in thermal comfort, flood risk and water shortage.

you can view this policy here.