Here at Barratt Yorkshire East we have for many years engaged with great subcontractors who have all contributed to the success of the division and also to the numerous awards which have been received by the Site Managers. We have achieved a great reputation amongst our customers for the way in which our workforce goes about its everyday business out on site. Our sites are consistently very good due due in no small part to the work carried out by our subcontractors, no matter what trade, doing their job to the very highest standard.
Rhoddy MacKinnon - Group Construction Director

We have built up great relationships with our subcontractors over the years within Barratt Manchester. Some of them have worked on Barratt projects for almost thirty years now which is a great endorsement for both the subcontractor and also Barratt as a company. Loyalty works both ways and when we enter into a partnership with a supplier or subcontractor we try wherever possible to ensure good relations and to make the partnership work to the advantage of both parties. Interesting work, good hours, prompt payment, understanding management, health and safety are all aspects that we try to deliver consistently for the benefit of our subcontractors.
Jon Watkin - Group Commercial Director